Little Girl

She gives a tight hug to the Teddy 

Have to leave him behind 

She can’t keep too many items 

Moving to a new school 

New places and new people 

Looking for new friends 

Getting replanted in new soil 

She accepts the change gracefully

I look at her maturity 

I admire her ability 

Wish I was there for her

To hold her hands 

To guide her through the changes 

To help her make new friends 

But she’s always with me 

Ripping my maturity 

Holding my memories tight 

Reflecting her pain

I live her adult life 

Split from my world 

She lives personified


Holding my hands,

Throughout my life.

Pouring all the love

And melting my heart. 

Touching my soul 

To kindle the spirit.

You take me through 

The journey of life. 

Hearing all my rants,

You shower me with blessings.

I hug you with my belief. 

I reach you with my thoughts.

Telepathic love of divinity 

Charms the naive in me. 


The dark clouds closing on me,

Shutting the doors,

Stocking up some food,

Snuggling under my heated blanket,

I watch through the windows.

Sensing the monstrous sounds,

Visualizing the downpour.

Slowly washing away my fear

Cleaning the disturbed thoughts. 

The care from dear ones,

Holds me tight,

Kissing my concerned heart.

A call to warm up my soul.

A text to cheer up my mood.

The colors I see now 

Truest of its form.

The picture I feel now 

Purest of its kind.

Fear mongering Ian 

You take me through the reality. 

What’s the best Love ?

Love from the womb ?

Love from the eyes of Dad ?

Silly fights and sibling love ?

Teenage tender love ?

College wonder love ?

Matured compatible love ?

Love for our bloodline ?

Platonic love without a cause ?

Or loving yourself

Without self doubt,

Without ripping the dreams,

Without the external validation.

And nurturing the inner soul

With empathy and care,

To love and be loved.

The Chant

Happy New Year